Young Artist Marketplace Application
Opening Spring 2025
The Young Artist Marketplace is a place for artists age 8-18 to sell their handmade creations for $25 or less.
Young artists benefit from participation in the following ways:
Share your creativity with the community by participating in a visible and important part of the Corvallis Fall Festival.
Develop marketing and entrepreneurial skills through selling artisan items in an open marketplace.
Real-world feedback on displays, packaging, pricing, and other aspects involved in retailing and the business of art.
Have fun and build self-confidence while interacting with friends, community members, and visitors.
Earn extra money doing what you love!
Who is eligible to participate?
The Corvallis Fall Festival Young Artist Marketplace features regional artists aged 8 through 18 years of age. Click here to view the list of 2024 vendors.
Program & product requirements:
Our Young Artists must create any object sold at their booth. Items will be priced at $25 and under. We have a nominal jury process; artists submit photographs or samples of the items they plan to sell and we review those submissions to ensure they meet the program’s mission. We ask that you submit no more than 2-3 types of items and only sell items that were approved.
A large shared canopy tent, tables, and chairs are provided. There is no electricity or water available.
Displays are limited to the table-top area only. No hanging items on the canopy or support posts. No advertising, verbally or visually, as a fundraiser for a cause.
We encourage artists aged 8 through 18 to apply!
Is there anything I can’t sell at the Young Artist Marketplace?
The following standards and restrictions are in place to protect the safety and integrity of the Young Artist Marketplace:
All items must be created or significantly up-cycled by the young artist. No purchased items and/or items made by someone else are allowed.
No balloons due to environmental impact and noise.
No food, pet food/treats, or drinks since we cannot ensure food code and safety standards.
Contact youthandfamily@corvallisfallfestival.org with questions.